My Crypto Art Project
The rise of digital technologies n the artistic panorama evolve into new stimuli and new possibilities, in which "what has been merges with what will be", or rather in which the cognitive heritage of the past blends with the vision and expressive tools of the future.
In the last year we have heard a lot about NFT, a global phenomenon that represents a new reality of art with an eye towards the future. A future that does not only concern the artistic world, just think of Metaverso. Technology should not be seen as a challenge, but as an opportunity, a laboratory in which to experiment, where creativity can emerge. Understanding theNFT as a digital work alone is limiting, as NFT can be anything that requires certification on the blockchain, and therefore, from this perspective it is better that you make yourself comfortable, because the real show has yet to begin!
An artist is always ready to experiment with new techniques but also to personal innovation to spread his work. I therefore enter the world of NFTs to offer my works to collectors and enthusiasts of the genre who are always ready to capture new things in the art market.– Giulia Occorsio
Personaggi famosi, artisti, editori ed aziende hanno integrato gli NFT nelle loro strategie di marketing. Vengono organizzate sempre più mostre di NFT e sempre più gallerie s’interessano a questo connubio tra fisico and digitale. Investitori ed investimenti sono sempre più attratti da questo strumento che utilizza una delle tecniche proprie della digitalizzazione: la encryption algorithm. Questo punto è fondamentale per spiegare come gli NFT, nelle produzioni artistiche, significhino “tokenizzare” l’opera d’arte, per renderla autentica and immodificabile prima di divenire oggetto di scambio nei marketplace dove è possibile venderla e comprarla attraverso transazioni finanziarie basate su cryptovaluta.
At this point it is necessary to open a parenthesis on blockchain, a public data registry that tracks the exchanges of digital properties between different subjects. The information is recorded, enclosed in blocks linked together which cannot be modified or deleted, allowing the traceability of all operations. Transactions are public. To purchase a work NFT digital wallet portafoglio digitale of cryptocurrencies compatible with the blockchain where NFT was createdNFT. The marketplace that I chose for my works is OpenSea, the most important exchange platform where thousands of are sold and bought every day NFT. Used all over the world by both companies and famous people, who have made use of it partnership, it hosts NFT of different types such as art, music, photography, sports, etc... The platform is intuitive, suitable for beginners, it allows you to create an account free in minutes and the most important point, it allows me wide visibility with minimal effort.
My goal is not to make you invest in cryptocurrencies or to push you to do so, but to try to bring you closer to this new relationship with art that technology, through the digitalisation, he is proposing to us. The NFT and their potential, are one tool at the service of creativity and I am convinced that in the coming years we will witness an increasingly rapid fusion between the real and digital world.
The NFT with their characteristic of unique provide value both to the immaterial (such as digital creations) and to physical objects, certifying them. And this is precisely my aim, certify my creations. The NFT represent both a evolution of traditional collecting,, providing a solution to issues such as tax collection royalties, both the opportunity for investors and collectors , to have evaluation and exchange of artworks in tempo reale, without intermediariesthus strengthening the relationship between the artist and his audience.