My Lugano Plan ₿ Forum Art Gallery
Il Plan ₿ Forum di Lugano è la principale conferenza Bitcoin che riunisce leader mondiali, tecnologi e imprenditori per discutere di adozione di Bitcoin, economia, libertà finanziaria e libertà di parola. In occasione di tale evento nei giorni 25 e 26 Ottobre 2024 sono entusiasta di condividere con tutti voi una mostra personale a tema Bitcoin. Il mio portfolio è composto da 14 opere, l’ingresso è libero e l’allestimento è esposto nella room n. 215 (secondo piano) della meravigliosa Villa Ciani (Piazza Indipendenza 4 Lugano) a due minuti dal Palazzo dei Congressi (entrambe le strutture sono collegate anche da un passaggio interno) dove si svolgerà uno degli eventi mondiali più attesi dell’anno promosso da partner esclusivi e dalla città di Lugano.

This exhibition showcases the union between Art and Bitcoin THE METHOD of the future. Through 2 oil paintings and 12 digital graphics I will tell you in an artistic way a model that sees freedom, cryptography, distributed systems, game, monetary and economic theory as protagonists. This is a cultural paradigm shift that allows you to gain the benefits of a decentralized currency without governments or any centralized fiduciary third party. This system cannot be stopped, like artistic expression, and above all no one can decide for another because they decide in person without intermediaries!
Specifically the Bitcoin portfolio consists of the following works:
- The non existent Knight (Satoshi Nakamoto)
- Genetically modified
- The Light of Digital Gold
- A few steps away from the solution
- Vanity wears gold and feathers
- Proof of Work
- Ecologic Mining
- Waiting like mempool
- Transaction
- Unconfirmed Transaction
- Before Segregated Witness
- Softfork
- Privacy rediscovered
- Incensurable community
The collection of works is also present on-line in the section shop of the btc4art platform, whose motto is to promote Bitcoin through joy, circular economy, education.

All works can be purchased by knowing the artist Giulia Occorsio on site and directly in bitcoin through on-chain or Lightning Network transactions. The Virtual POS (BPay) used to accept payments is provided by the company Bitcoin People.

Special thanks to the organizers of the Plan ₿ Forum for hosting me at this wonderful event.– Giulia Occorsio