How the leaves in warm, golden tones manage to comfort the autumnal vision that heralds the cold rigors of winter.
Landings is a graphic in soft shades of blue that impact the electromagnetic waves that arise from the movement of a landing flight in a semicircular manner.
Hot air balloons like dried or fresh figs for a fairly material painting in earth tones.
Symbol of justice that always seeks wisdom and discernment in the balance of the scales. Green and gold for his representation.
This graphic is called "Crawling", a typical exercise for felines and children struggling with their first walks.
Quel terribile evento del 2001 che sconvolse il mondo: l’attentato alle Torri Gemelle ed altri organi dell’amministrazione statunitense. Ho evidenziato tre figure nel contesto del dipinto, Gesù che parla con
Colori cupi nei toni del rosso, blu e nero accompagnano la grafica intitolata “Coronavirus”. Il virus è rappresentato come una mina esplosiva che bombarda dovunque uomini e territori seminando panico
An unusual daisy in predominantly green tones with yellowish highlights. A humanized daisy with bright little eyes that seem to wink at someone.